The 365 Flowers Projct
Day 77
Taking photos or making art with a flower theme every day in 2016.
Taking photos or making art with a flower theme every day in 2016.
Yep, I'm still making paper flowers.
Today they traveled.
I needed some urban photos for a mail art show, so my daughter and I walked around the city of Butler. The photo above was taken on a street near the county courthouse.
The following photos show what a typical western PA town looks like, mill towns.
AK Steel is the only mill left in Butler.
Church steeples are landmarks, they are tall and can be seen from blocks away.
These three are within two blocks of each other. There many more churches in the city.
I grew up in Evans City, a small two stop light town not far from Butler. Evans City has five churches and three bars in the borrow. I now live outside Connoquenessing. This small town has three churches, a post office and volunteer fire department, no stores or gas stations. Churches reflect our history and culture.
The height of these steeples tower above all the other buildings.
The presence of the churches is felt and seen, there is no missing them.
Here is a typical neighborhood tucked in rolling PA hills.
The gloomy overcast sky is also typical of western PA.
Mill towns.
See you here tomorrow.
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