The 365 Flowers Project

Happy New Year!   Recycled Daze has been, well recycled.

Welcome to The 365 Flowers Project!

In 2016 I will be making art each and every day. Yep, all 365 days of the year, plus one for leap day--a bonus! The theme for this daily devotion to creativity is flowers. Let's face it, you can't go wrong with flowers. I will post a new artsy flower daily. There is no set media for this project. Nothing is off limits. Thinking WAY outside of the box is a must!

The second goal of this project is to get me inside my studio every day. See that cute building below? That is my dream. Weeks go by and I never step foot inside. How can this be? In 2016 my feet will be inside my dream every single day.

On this first day of January I quickly sketched a few dried roses. Using pastels I added color. One of the things I plan to do this year is sketch more, my drawling skills are rusty. Pastels are something I am not comfortable using. Trying new things in the New Year.
Not exactly a work of art I want hanging on the wall but the time in my studio was lovely. It was lightly snowing outside and I was inside listening to Frank Sinatra on Pandora radio. What a great way to kick off the year!
See you back here tomorrow!
Visit my other blog You-R-Here . New content published every Monday. Click on a photo and read!ļ»æ



  1. Best wishes as you launch yourself into this project. I did my first 365 for the same radon- needing to get into my studio. It worked!


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