
I totaly missed posting the June burro from my feral burro of Beatty, NV, calendar.
My friend Diane has been posting on Face Book photos of baby burros seen in and around her town. 
( photo lifted from Diane's Face Book page)
So cute I had to share.
Summer has now started for me, I'm done working at the environmental education center for the spring season. I will probably go back in the fall to teach a variety of subjects to school age children. We provide science based field trips for area schools.
I taught subjects that covered geology and water testing, along with pond and stream health. There is also a sustainable living homestead where we give guided tours. The house itself is made of straw bales and has three large free standing solar panels. There are a whole host of other things going on with the artiteture of the house and gardens surrounding the home. Interesting place to visit to say the least.

I'm back in the studio this week. Saturday is the Harmony Graden and Herb Fair. I will be selling some of my art during the fair on the street in front of The Bottlebrush Gallery.
If you happen to be in Harmony, PA, this weekend stop in and see me.

Have a great day and stop back soon!


  1. Sounds like you really got into teaching! Wonderful Jill!!! But as any teacher would tell you - they are glad to see summer too. LOL I wish you the best on selling your work at the fair this weekend. I will be in PA soon but just not close enough. Been in clay lately?

    1. Hannah, I have not made it to a pottery studio. The environmental education center I worked at is at a church summer camp. They are starting a year round artist colony. A potter is their first artist in residence and he gives lessons. He also offers studio time, might take him up on that. I'm not a fan working on the wheel. I would rather do slab work and wouldn't you know it, there is a slab roller in the studio!


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