
This "phish" was in my mailbox yesterday, how cool is that?!!!
It came just as you see it. My address, along with a stamp are on the backside.
Thank you for the fabulous mail art C.Z. Lovecraft.

This splash of color landed in my mailbox a few days ago.
The talented collage artist Corrine Gilman of
Sparkle Days Studio  made this mail masterpiece.
Both of these mail art artist are from Massachusetts.
Thanks for the mailbox treasures my friends.
The snow just keeps coming.
As I clean my studio today I stop every so often and watch the snow fall.
My Lab, Zeus is not a fan of the snow. Chow Wow on the other hand will stay out all day.
That's all there is to report from this winter wonderland today.
Keep warm and stop back soon.


  1. More snow, our dogs love it, thankfully. More on the way too. Glad my color could light your the Phish....xox

  2. I like the phish. You should shovel a place for the dogs, it is hard to squat and go in the snow. . . .

    1. No worries, our driveway and a large parking area are plowed. Plus my dogs are big. They have paths worn all over the yard. My Chow is built for this weather. The Lab, not so much. He is a house dog, even in the summer.

  3. Love the treasures you found in your mailbox! You know me, I LOVE the snow, but I'm beginning to tire of it. It's been a long winter. Hoping we can catch up in person when the weather breaks! Until then, stay warm! :)

  4. Corrine always uses great splashes of color in her work! It really gets me in the mood to paint when I see her stuff, even if I'm not working on a painting.

    Dogs in snow!!


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