In search of ROY G BIV.
Remember ROY G BIV from elementary school?
The color spectrum?
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.

Now it's coming back. Finding ROY G BIV every month is an
event several bloggers do on the third Thursday of the month.
Here is a link to find other bloggers.

All of my Red photos were taken in Williams, AZ.
Williams is the Gateway to the Grand Cannon.


  1. Great shots. Love the bakery. xox

  2. Gateway to the Grand Canyon? Does that mean you visited the Canyon as well?

    Thanks for playing along with us. Aren't neon lights fun to photograph? I've a friend who goes to Las Vegas to do just that...she says.... Enjoy!

    1. Yes, we did visit the Grand Canyon and several places in New Mexico.

  3. Nice pictures. Are you going to make posts on the all the color spectrum?

    1. Yes, each month a new color, when we run out they have a plan to fill out the year.

  4. I must be getting old. I didn't know who Roy G Biv was so I had to Google it. Yep, never heard of that. I started school (the first three years) in three room wooden school house with out-houses for bathrooms right in the middle of Nixon, just to the east of Greenawalt's store. Of course both places where way before your time.

  5. Love Love Love your red scenes form Arizona - makes me want to visit and snap those same shots!

  6. WOW you had my attention with that spectacular car! Williams AZ !

  7. Those are some snazzy neon reds! Love 'em all!

  8. Wow, these are just wonderful - and they make my offerings seem very grey and understated ... and British? I can't wait to see what you produce for the rest of the spectrum.

    1. Oh my, the pressure is on for next month. How to top neon????

  9. Just love those red neon signs- gorgeous!


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