Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!
The Wexford General Store posted this photo on their Face Book Page.
My caption for this Christmas moment...
Ethel and Betty before a Christmas party at the Officer's Club.
 They are in for a  long night of husbands retelling war stories. 
What do you think the story is behind this snap shop?
Leave your caption in the comments.
Can't wait to read them.
If you are on Face Book, "Like" The Wexford General Store, they
post interesting things every day. This store houses several antiques dealers.
The variety things they have for sale! 
Sending love to you and your,


  1. I think they are saying, "You gave us the same thing last year!!"

  2. "We're in for yet another night of war stories."
    "What?!!?! AGAIN????"

    Merry Christmas, Jill. xoxoxo

  3. that's an amazing picture. I hope you had a better Christmas than they seem to be having.

  4. Happy New Year! I like your new banner a lot.
    I don't really use FB but I can view the general store through a friend's account. off to do so!


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