These two ICAD card were inspired by Ted Talks: Chew on This.
"How I fell in love with a fish." by Dan Barber is number two in this Ted Talks series.
Mr. Barber, a chef, gives a wonderful "talk" on sustainable fish farming. The most successful fish farm in the world lets nature be in control, not people. Go figure!

What I also learned watching Chew on This,
fortune cookies are not from China. As a matter of fact if you visit China and ask for a fortune cookie they will have no idea what you are talking about!
Fortune cookies are from Japan.
If you have Netflix you must see Ted Talks: Chew on This.
It's a very interesting look at the future of food and agriculture as the world's population grows.
I have Netflix through my Wii but you can sign up and have it streaming onto your laptop or iPad for $8.00 a month. I'm a big fan of Netflix!
Ted Talks: Chew on This, a must see!


  1. Hi Jill. Thanks for the Ted Talks tip. I'm a big fan already, and I love the random content. As always, I learned a little something from reading your blog today - may good fortune come your way!


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