Mail Call!

Thank You!, Jane Smith mail artist extraordinaire for the fab piece of mail art. This piece says, tender plants and seed catalogs, perfect for March in PA! I forgot to photograph the other side, it is colorful with a sweet bird and an announcement of Spring!

Now this next bit of mail art had me asking around for help. I knew I had to act in some way and send something somewhere. I asked my friend Lynn Radford from, Trash bubbles and life's little bits blog (see my blog list) for help. Lynn is very active in IUOMA - see badge at right of screen.


For the life of me I could not figure out where Mr. Ryosuke Cohen from Japan got my name and address. I have not been very active on IUOMA and he is kinda a big deal mail art artist.
Then a thought occurred to me, light bulb moment!!! I raced to my studio and found the 2012 Mayworks, Festival of Labour & the Arts printed program. There I found his name, and mine, in the list of 225 participants from 33 countries. ( Our address are printed there also)

Here is the list of artist who have added to this piece, they are from around the world.
The names on the list are also in the Mayworks program,
mystery solved.
Now what do I do next?
Stay tuned!


  1. I love Jane's collages and saw the front of this on facebook today. I always smile when I see her mail. Lucky you and glad you solved your mystery! xox

  2. I'm loving the mail art you got, and can't believe how many programs you're able to get involved in. How's the studio feeling as a work space? xo

    1. sadly, I have not been in the studio much. We had 3 weeks of flu at my house, I so far I have not got it. My mom landed in the hosiptal and my sister needed some help with her kids when she got it, so I have been busy.

  3. cool mail! Sounds like a fun exchange too.


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