Museum Visit

Over the weekend I visited the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, PA.
I went to see an exhibit called, 
Inventing the Modern World:
Decorative Arts at the World's Fairs,

The exhibit was a feast for the eyes. Unfortunately I was not able to take photos,
I tried...they shut me down. The only picture I took was of Eva with her head inside
a dinosaur mouth. ( my brave girl!)
The museum was selling a large well photographed catalog of the exhibit.
I thought about buying it, then remembered my New Year's resolution;
don't clutter up your studio or house.
I'm terribly disorganized so I thought the less I owned, the less I have to organize.
There were so may inspirational and awe inspiring pieces in the show.

On the museum's website I found a video about one of the more memorable pieces.
It's a Pianoforte made of paper.

When you see it your eyebrows will touch the top of you forehead!

After we left the museum I realized I missed the Hand Made Exhibit. I think I'll have to go back this week
and maybe pick up a World's Fair exhibit catalog..........


  1. Sounds like a great exhibit, would love to be closer I bet they have great exhibits all the time. Yes, bring less home is a good motto, will have to be mindful of that all the time, kick me....xox

  2. Museum visits are always mind-expanding! I've also been trying to bring home less "stuff", but sometimes I just can't help myself!
    Have fun! Jane

  3. That was quite the photo you got away with! I know someone who is moving there , so hopefully I'll get to that museum one day. xo


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