Coming Back

I've been M.I.A. lately.
Lots going on at work and with my family.
Plus, I have caught every bug going round the last six weeks.
( I think I even had one, twice!)

I have moved the Limited Edition project to the top of my
to do list. I have to have it finished by April 30th!
Today I plan on removing the pages because I find it hard to work in a
small space, 5x7 inches.
My theme is Threads and Surfaces.

I have an idea where I'm going with this sketchbook but once I start,
 I'm usually surprised at where I end up.

I'm also doing the Photo Response Project
with The Arthouse Co-op.
The deadline is April 30th.

Tomorrow, March 26th.......
is hosting...
Messy Work Table Photo Collaboration!

A project made for me!
This will be a point and shoot camera project.
No planning, no work!


  1. I never know exactly where any of my paintings are going when I start them.

  2. Messy desk, whoa you should see mine about now with my re-emerging purging plan, scary even to me. Forget creating, can't find a thing YET! xox

  3. I'm always looking forward to your submissions - no matter what the theme. I can't waith to see what goes into that sketch book! Good luck.
    xo jc


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