
While cleaning out my studio nook I found my sketch book for the Sketch Book Project 2012.
It has to be finish just after the first of the year.
I have the next four days reserved for art.
Working on the sketch book and a magazine article are my two MUST DO projects.

I have had these projects sitting in the back of my mind but no motivation to work on them.
How do I get motivated to finish them?
I sign up for more projects!
Yesterday I ordered a book from Alabama Chanin.
Love this company but they are out of my price range. So I bought their DIY book.
Alabama Chanin an environmentally friendly company. They mainly make clothes, all hand stitched clothes. I really want one of their dresses. Luck for me I have a friend who has made several
Civil War era gowns. I'm counting on her to fit the dress to my form.

check out Alabama Chanin at

I also signed up for The Sketch Book Limited Project.
I know, I have not finished the 2012 Project, but I will!
Click the badge at the right to check out all of the Arthouse Co-op projects.
It's a fun site to visit. Artist post their work too.

My Sketch Book 2012 theme is Transatlantic.
My dream is visit London so in my book I am going to London.
I'm not just a tourist, oh no. I'm going because I have some of my art work being shown at. The Modern Tate Museum.
I need my pass port...what picture?

I've posted these pictured before.
Will have  new ones soon!


  1. It sounds like you are going to be busy, at least for the next few days. All that art keeps you our of trouble, right?

  2. Can't wait to see the results of your 4 days spent in creativity!! Good luck with that! xoxo

  3. It was fun to watch your progress in the sketchbook. Looking forward to new sketches and pages. xox Corrine thanks for the mail!

  4. I LOVE the passport photos!!!! So great,Jill.


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