
Opposites happen to be the Sketch Book Challenge theme for February. I may not be able to think up a good opposite composition on my own, but I know one when I see it!

Being a slave to Netflix is paying off. My sketch is from the movie Feed the Fish. First off, we have dark and light colors-- opposites. The scene is a truck parked at a drive- in -movie theater in the dead of winter. That's snow on the ground folks. Winter, drive-in -movie theater--opposites!

I used Caran d'Ache, water soluble wax pastels.

Maybe I'll stick with movies for these challenges.

Here is a photo of my TV screen with the scene paused.

It was a very good movie by the way.


  1. Great idea! Love the scene. And I know you have the snow. Xox corrine

  2. Your scene is better than the movie's , kind of dreamy. Do some word stuff, maping (not that i ever do!) rough smooth, tall short, obvious stuff but it may trigger something. one of my favorite words from college is chirascuro except that's not how you spell it I can't find an Italian dictionary! - light & dark which is just what you've got.

  3. great job, Jill! I haven't played with water soluable pastels yet, but I lov emy water soluable crayons.

  4. Good image choice for opposites! It makes me want to bundle up and go to a drive-in. I haven't been to one in years.

  5. I have always loved that darker blue with black. It seems so mysterious! Very nice replica- great detail on the truck!

  6. Made me think about the blond who froze to death at the movies. She was watching "Closed for the Winter."

  7. This is an iconic image. My good friends owned a drive-in and they would have loved this. You are always full of surprises. I hope you had a great Feb.14th too! xo


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