Visiting Day

I spent the morning with my neighbor Debbie Schirra. She is a fellow artist and her business card states craftsman.  Since it is 2010 and her card is a few years old ( Debbie- follower of the golden rule, waste not, want not) I will be politically correct and call her a craftsperson-- so no need to email now.

No matter her title the woman has talent, skills and maybe a bit of magic. To find Debbie you have to travel down a country road then make the turn into her long driveway. At the end of the drive you'll find a fantastic mix of gardens and a fairy tale house tucked away from the world.

The picture of the bird window at the top of the page sits in a prominent space at the front of her home. The Peace Love and Joy to All Who Enter perches at the top of a very impressive door.
This next picture is of a door she made..I know..WOW!

Here is a ceiling light in her home. She has others in her house with different themes.

Next up we visited her studio to look at a work in progress.

To Fabulous!
Next week I'll post pictures of her gardens.

Here is a sneak peek.


  1. Your friend does amazing work and can just imagine how beautiful the rest of her gardens are :)
    Thanks for visiting my blog, sorry it took so long to return the visit, we are moving in a few days and I have been , well, you can imagine, busy busy :)

  2. These are FABULOUS! Thanks for sharing, Jill! Maybe we need a field trip to check out her craft.


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